Monday, May 26, 2014

Of Pink Waves and Mermaid Princesses!

Still surfing these lovely, gentle Pink seas and riding the waves of fashion and fun, we've finally come to the much-awaited meet and greet with the lovely mermaid princess!

Fourth and final day of this doll-lightful program, the activity area was jam-packed with excited little girls who transformed into the adorable little princesses, mermaids and underwater ballerinas that they are!

Tons and tons of kids were in attendance and yes, even those little boys rode on the Pink waves too... the boys didn't seem so happy with all the Pink and Fluff... but they still posed like the gentlemen that they are, just this once! 

Above: I caught me a pretty Aqua Ballerina and an adorable little Mermaid Princess coming out of her Shell!!! And below???

My loving supportive prince, Matthew is always there for me through Pink-and-thin!  

SM Mall of Asia was packed! We were like sardines in this lovely Pink sea... Because we Can! 

My boy is all about Sports, Hot Wheels, Outdoors and everything boys like, but during the few times I need him - despite all the Pink - he endures all the pink, girly craziness and proves, what a Man he is! He is my little Man, and I am very thankful whenever he is with me, a testament of how blessed I truly am!

"To be able to do the things you love, with the ones you love is a grace, a blessing."